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The first assignment given was on-site sketching where we need to sketch spaces in campus, Taylor's University and observe the surrounding plus writing down annotations on our sketches.


The aim of this assignment is to let us experience the differences between on-site sketching and a ready-made picture sketch. It was new to sit by anywhere to find interesting places to sketch in Taylor's University. We were supposed to choose the best 4 among our sketches to portray different hatching techniques and tonal value.


The final outcome of this assignment was poor because of my messy hatching which compiles all kinds of different hatchings that does not really compliment each other. On-site sketching was a different experience to start off with in a drawing-based module. I learnt that it is important that many design conventions must be used appropriately and wisely in order to give the best aesthetic outlook.

© 2021 by Charlotte Chin. 

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